Hospitality & unlimited Love
BapDada has special love for the Madhuban residents. Baba has love for everyone, but nevertheless Baba has special love for the Madhuban residents because they are instruments. Look, when you come, they (Madhuban residents) look after you very well, do they not? They have passed in offering hospitality to everyone, have they not? To offer hospitality to guests is their greatness. Those who know how to offer hospitality to guests and look after them well automatically become great; not just in terms of providing food and drink, but the hospitality of love from the heart is the most elevated. No matter how many picnics you give them, if they haven't received love from the heart, they would say that they have received nothing. So, you Madhuban residents offer hospitality with love from your hearts. You do this, do you not? Or, will you say, "BapDada said this", when someone creates an upheaval? Do not do this. You are the children of the Ocean of Love. You cannot ask, “For how long will we give love?” You are not the children of an urn of love, you are the children of the Ocean, unlimited
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