
Showing posts from June, 2023

Ever healthy

  In order to become  ever   healthy , always say: “Baba, Baba. I want to eat with only You, I want to go around with only You.” Hand over everything to the Father with your intellect. Have the consciousness that you are being sustained by Shiv Baba’s sustenance. Have no attachment to anything. Offer everything to Him and eat according to His orders and everything will become pure and you will become  ev er   healthy .

Check And Change

Check which faith you are weak in and then change it. Do not just check. BapDada had told you that, along with being a checker, you are also a maker. You are not just a checker. To check means that you are able to change yourself in a second. If you check yourself and do not change yourself, then the sanskars of being disheartened with yourself over a long period will continue to become stronger, and the sanskars of a long period of time will definitely come to oppose you at the end.

Carefree stage

 BapDada is amused that you know the beginning, the middle and the end of the drama, that you know your 84 births and yet you do not know this one small thing. You are very clever! From time to time, you show your cleverness. Do you know all the leaves of the kalpa tree or not? Are all of you sitting at the foundation of the tree? Or are only seven or eight of you sitting there? So, do those who are sitting at the roots know the tree? How is it possible that you know every leaf and yet you do not know this? So experience the sign of having faith, the carefree stage. “Will it happen?” “Will it not happen?” “What will happen?” “We are doing it, but we shall see what happens!" This is not called being carefree, but you complain and beg in front of the Father and say: “You are our Helper! You are our Protector! You are this! You are that!” To complain means to lose your right. Those who have all rights would never complain and say: "Do this!” or “Let this happen!" To have an...

Pure thoughts leads to Victory guaranteed

 Another thing, just as the sign of souls’ intellects having faith is guaranteed victory, in the same way, such souls will be carefree. They cannot have any type of wasteful thinking. They will only have pure thoughts, there will be no name or trace of any type of wasteful thought . It would not be that waste thoughts came and that they had to be chased away. No waste can come to those whose intellects have faith. After all, “How?” “Why?” “What?”, etc. are waste thoughts. When you know the significance of the drama, when you are those who know the beginning, the middle and the end, then can those who know the beginning, the middle and the end of the drama not know the beginning, the middle and the end of a small situation? Because of not knowing that, you have wasteful thoughts of “How?” “Why?” “What?”, etc.

Method for attaining success

The sign of your intellect having faith is that you have guaranteed victory. If your method is accurate, it is not possible for you not to attain success. Whenever you do not attain success in any task, you must understand that you lack faith. Check all four sides, not just one side.

All four sides of faith

 You then think: " This should have happened, and I don't know why it didn't happen. I made a lot of effort. I thought about it very carefully, but... " There is a difference in your thinking and in it actually happening. This means that not all four sides of faith are strong, and the amusing thing is that you say that it is the drama: "It is the drama, it is the drama", yet, at the same time, you also fluctuate a great deal. Sometimes, there is fluctuation in your thoughts, sometimes there is fluctuation in your words and sometimes there is even fluctuation in your actions.

Faith in family

 If you have faith in three and not in one, then victory is not guaranteed, but you would gain victory by having to make effort. Those who have guaranteed victory will not have to make any effort. Many of you often say: BapDada is very good. It is firm that He is the Father and that we are the children, and that we have a relationship with the Father alone, but there is conflict with the divine family. Your faith fluctuates in this and you therefore put the family aside ; so one side becomes slack in that. How can you become part of the rosary without the family? When is a rosary created? When one bead is close to the next bead and they are threaded on the one thread. If they are separate beads on separate threads, that would not be called a rosary. So the family is a rosary. If you put the family aside and become strong in the other three types of faith, then too, victory is not guaranteed. "Let me move away from the conflict of the family. The Father is my Support." If you...

faith is your firm foundation

From the beginning until now, to the extent that your foundation of faith is firm, so you constantly experience in a natural way being an easy yogi, having a gentle and pure nature, an attitude of good wishes and soul-conscious vision.

Hospitality & unlimited Love

  BapDada has special love for the Madhuban residents. Baba has love for everyone, but nevertheless Baba has special love for the Madhuban residents because they are instruments. Look, when you come, they (Madhuban residents) look after you very well, do they not? They have passed in offering hospitality to everyone, have they not? To offer hospitality to guests is their greatness. Those who know how to offer hospitality to guests and look after them well automatically become great; not just in terms of providing food and drink, but the hospitality of love from the heart is the most elevated. No matter how many picnics you give them, if they haven't received love from the heart, they would say that they have received nothing. So, you Madhuban residents offer hospitality with love from your hearts. You do this, do you not? Or, will you say, "BapDada said this", when someone creates an upheaval? Do not do this. You are the children of the Ocean of Love. You cannot ask, “...

Maryadas are the footsteps

  Do not be carefree in terms of anything powerful. Some take it wrongly when it comes to the codes of conduct; they say: BapDada has said: Become a carefree emperor. However, do not become carefree about the codes of conduct. Your title is the most elevated beings who follow the most elevated codes of conduct. These codes of conduct are the steps of Brahmin life. If you do not place your steps in the footsteps, how would you reach your destination? Place your steps in Father Brahma's footsteps. These maryadas are the footsteps. If you move away from following these steps even slightly, you become distant from your destination and you then have to make effort.

When you are in field of Action

  when you return home will there be other feelings instead of love when your children or grandchildren or great-grandchildren become a little angry or create upheaval ? When you go to work or to business, when you have such a servant, when you have such an atmosphere, you must still remain carefree emperors about anything wasteful .

What if world becomes angry with you

 No matter what happens, even if the whole world becomes angry with you, one who is a master ocean of love will not be concerned about the world. You are carefree emperors. You attained whatever you were concerned about. Now, you are carefree emperors about these wasteful things . Be concerned about checking yourselves, be concerned about changing yourselves, but now become carefree regarding anything wasteful

You lied & I became Angry?

Does it not matter when that one becomes angry with you ten times, and you become a little angry? If that one lied and you became angry, is that all right? You then say with great courage, "Well, you lied and I therefore became angry." However, you did not like the other person telling a lie, but then is it good to become angry? So, you are master oceans of love who belong to the Ocean of Love. The eyes, features, vision and attitude of someone who is a master ocean of love cannot have any other feelings, not even the slightest trace. Would you call someone who becomes a little forceful an ocean of love ?

Tolerance from Power of Love

When you are oceans of love, where does anger come from? You are able to satisfy others by knowing their sanskars, are you not? Even though they might be wrong, you are knowledge-full, are you not? You know what they are like, but what do you say at that time? "This one did this and so I also did the same." You did something wrong when someone else did something wrong. So, what wonder did you perform? That one did something wrong and you gave a wrong response. Many say that it does not matter if someone becomes angry once, but that he becomes angry again and again! So, you know that that one has an angry nature; what else would he do if he did not become angry? His task is to become angry and what is your task? To give love or to become angry? He may become angry ten times, so you would give a response at least once, would you not? If you do not say anything then that one will become angry 20 times. What will happen then? Do you have this much power of tolerance? 

Gift of sweet words, & words of love

W hoever comes into contact or connection with you, and whenever they come into contact with you, whether they are part of the Brahmin family or whether they are other souls,  constantly give them the  gift  of sweet words, the gift of words of love;   and, secondly, constantly give them a gift of one or other virtue or power. 

Form of love

Even if that person is angry with you, you should take that as a form of love. You are transformers. You are world transformers. So, can those who are world transformers not change something  negative  into  positive ? So, this year, constantly give love and receive love. Do not then say: No one gave any love, so what can I do? Whether someone gives it or not, you just take it. They will give something. Whether it is  negative  or  positive ,  they will give something. However, hey world transformers, change  negative  things into  positive !  You have become bestowers . Wah! Congratulations for having become bestowers.

Give love and receive love

When you give a little  gift  with love to anyone who comes, he becomes so happy. It is not the thing that is seen, but it is the  gift , the form of love, that is seen.  No one would become very prosperous with the  gifts , but they can become prosperous with the love.  So, give love and receive love. If anyone does not give you love, then just take love from that person.  You know how to take it, do you not? Or would you be shy, thinking, “How can I take it?

Gift in a second

You can give a gift in even a  second .  You cannot say that you did not have any  time , that neither did the receiver have any  time  nor did the giver have any  time . However, if you have an attitude of elevated wishes and elevated feelings , then with a  second's  thought,  with a look and a smile from your heart, you can give someone a lot in even a  second .  Give a  gift  to whoever comes; do not let them go back empty-handed. 

How One transforms

One who transforms everyone does not get coloured by the atmosphere or come under anyone's influence . If the world transformer becomes influenced, what transformation would he bring about? Take wha,tever is impure in anyone as something pure.  Even whilst seeing anything impure, see it with your pure vision.   When you are able to change nature, are you not able to change human souls?  In that too, are you not able to transform Brahmin souls?  When there are good wishes for everyone the word "reason" will finish and you will only see the word " solution

Promise Self

M ake this promise to yourself: You will never ever see anyone's weakness or defect. You will not listen to or speak of anyone's weaknesses or defects.  You will not listen to them, you will not speak of them, you will not see them. So, what will this year become?  The year of having good wishes and of being an embodiment of virtues

World transformers

W orld transformer comes and says that he is not able to transform this!  You even say in your heart-to-heart conversation with yourself that, although you don't want to do something, you still do it.  So, you are world transformers and you say to yourselves that you want to do something but that you are not able to do it! Can you not change yourself ? If you are not transformers of yourselves, how can you be world transformers? you are world transformers and world benefactors, and so can you not change any soul ? Can you not change yourself? If you are not transformers of yourselves, how can you be world transformers?

Greetings for the angelic form.

  Constantly stay in the awareness of the angelic form and also see others in that form. Not that it is so-and-so or so-and-so, no; they are angels . This angel is an instrument for giving the message.   So give everyone greetings for the angelic form.    When the world can be changed through your vision, can Brahmins not change ? So your vision and attitude will change every soul.


A sweet mouth means a sweet face. All of you sweeten your mouths, but, not only are your mouths sweet, but your faces are also sweet. Or, are they also a little bitter? If there is even one line of bitterness, then, as well as bidding farewell to the year, bid farewell to even that little bitterness. Do you know how to bid farewell  . Farewell” means farewell for all time. To bid farewell means not to allow it to come again, 

Accurate features

At present, there is one fault (deformity) or another in every person. Someone's nose is crooked, or someone's eyes are crooked, or some people's mouths would be like that, whereas in the New Age, all would be  number one ,  every physical organ would be  accurate . So, you can see such a  dress  hanging on a hook in front of you, can you not? 

Students @ Confluence

    You receive both  health and wealth.   The unlimited Father is teaching you and so you are  students  of the Pandava  Government . God speaks: I teach you Raj Yoga.  They have simply changed the name in the Gita. This mistake has been caused because of the confluence.  

Unlimited attainment.

  You have to promise yourself this. You have unlimited attainment. There is no attainment anywhere else. You should have no doubt about this. You might have doubts about other things, but you do belong to the Father, do you not? You must never have doubts about the Father. Those who are completely pure are said to be real ones . Impure ones are step ones

Highest status

You have to make effort and claim the highest status of all. Worthy children promise: Baba, I will definitely  pass   with   honours  and show you.   I will definitely claim my fortune of the sun-dynasty kingdom

Gates to liberation and liberation-in-life

Even if there is any conflict, don't forget the Father.  Your boat will sink when you forget the Father.  You have many enemies because you yourselves say that the flames of destruction emerged from this sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra.  You tell everyone clearly that only after this war will the  gates  to liberation and liberation-in-life open

Pyre of knowledge

  No one knows :- What Brahmand is,  What the subtle region is,  How the  drama   repeats ,  Where souls go,  How they take rebirth  How many births they take.  You children continue to know this according to the efforts you make.  You have to inspire others to sit on this pyre of knowledge and show them the path to Paradise.

Soul makes the body function.

Sannyasis adopt renunciation of acting but, for as long as they have physical organs, they cannot renounce performing actions. How would they get up or sit down? It is the soul that makes the body function.   Sanskars are in the soul. At night the soul becomes bodiless.  The soul says: I have become tired from performing actions. Therefore, I take a  rest  at night and become bodiless.  It is a soul that eats and drinks  and a soul that says through those  organs : I am a  barrister , I am so-and-so.  Souls call out to the Father. 


Once you have faith, that’s it! Children never forget their father.  Even when he dies, they invoke his soul. He comes and speaks. This  part  is according to the  drama , and so that soul comes and talks.  Whatever happened in the  past  is fixed in the  drama . You should understand the  drama  in the  right way.

crowns of light.

  In the golden and silver ages there are the crowns of purity and of jewels. The sun and moon dynasties are shown with crowns .  Only the emperors and empresses are shown with crowns.  The subjects are not shown with crowns. Then, when they become impure in the copper age, they are not shown with the crowns of  light .  Impure kings and queens worship the pure kings and queens. At this time, neither crown exists; they have become crown- less . 

Directions of Shri Shri

While following the directions of Shri Shri, you have to stay in complete yoga. You were elevated. You will take 21 elevated births in the sun dynasty and the moon dynasty and become emperors and empresses. You need the directions of Shri Shri in order to become elevated. Only the One is called Shri Shri. Deities are only called Shri

Worthy of Inheritance

You children know that the unlimited Father is making you worthy so that He can give you the inheritance of unlimited happiness . When we were deities, we were worthy of worship and the worthy masters of the world

Claim your inheritance

  If there is impure arrogance or impure attachment or greed, your status will be destroyed.  You should have the pure greed to claim your inheritance of heaven from the unlimited Father and have full attachment to the one Father.  You have to die alive. “ I belong to the one Father .  I will claim my inheritance from the Father alone, no matter what happens”.